Track NZD payments 
Track NZD payments in real time with Money Mover.
We're used to getting live updates on everything from pizza to parcels, so why not payments?
Pay. Track. Confirm
Select the recipient you want to pay and make your payment
Track your payment in real time on the Money Mover platform
Receive confirmation when the funds credit your recipient’s account
Payment Tracking FAQs
What is payment tracking?
Much like the updates you receive from the best delivery firms, payment tracking allows you to view the progress of your Money Mover payment in real time.
Can I track a payment made elsewhere?
At the moment, we can only provide tracking for Money Mover payments made via SWIFT.
How does it work?
We receive live updates from the banks handling your payment. We then pass this information on to you within the payment detail page.

See what our customers have to say
"What a great team they have at Money Mover, always prepared to take that extra step if needed for their clients."
"Money Mover provides a much better exchange rate meaning I no longer waste as much revenue in transferring between currencies."
"A fantastic service. The team at Money Mover are incredibly helpful and friendly. I would highly recommend!"