Receive CZK payments
Receive CZK payments directly into your Money Mover account with your own BIC and IBAN.
No need to set up expensive foreign currency accounts with your bank.
We’re finding it really easy to use, and it’s saving us quite a bit.
Louise Stovell, Finance Director, Evolve-IT Consulting Ltd
Our savings across the group over the last six-month period have been into USD six figures
Will Wallis, Stockford Limited
I think the main thing for me though is that personal touch. I can pick up the phone and speak to one of the guys there, there's no robots or call centers.
Sohrab Jahromi, Managing Director, The Big Journey Company Ltd
I reduced my fees by 60% by using Money Mover compared with what we would have paid at our bank – and that saving goes straight to our bottom line.
Adrian Watson, Geospatial Insight
Very easy to use, transparent, and cost effective. Also great customer support. Five Stars all around.
Robert Smith, personal client
Receive. Hold. Pay
Receive CZK from your payers using your account details
Hold funds in your wallet until you're ready to send them
Select the recipient you want to pay and make your payment
Receiving CZK FAQs
How do I receive CZK?
Once your Money Mover account has been approved you'll be able to access your own, named CZK account details including IBAN and BIC which you can provide to customers and other senders.
Is there a cost to receive payments?
No, we do not charge a fee to receive funds.
Is there a limit to how much I can receive?
No, but large payments may be subject to additional queries.
What types of payments can I receive?
You can receive funds via SWIFT.